Lesson No. 1:
Trying to do everything yourself.
We as human beings are limited by a number of things.
Two Hands, One Brain and 24 hours in a day are just some of them.
Learn to leverage the brainpower, manpower, and time of others, and you will find that you can get more done and achieved in your lifetime than you ever imagined.
Lesson No. 2:
Procrastination (putting things off).
In life I met many people that didn’t want to do certain tasks till the next day, or the next week, which if only they had done… would have resulted in far more business for them.
Instead, they wanted to concentrate on going for a drink with their friends or watching their favorite soap on the TV.
There’s nothing wrong with that, except, quite often the things they left undone, needed their urgent attention.
They were things that could have helped them be more prepared at the meeting they had scheduled, or it could even have been some action that might have stopped debt collectors calling at their door to take away their furniture if only they’d acted sooner.
These are harsh realities of life and things that have a way of making sure that life remains a struggle, if you put things off.
Don’t. Do what you need to get done, whether it applies to your business or your personal life, in the priority and timing it deserves.
This single action will put you way ahead of the crowd.
Lesson No. 3
Looking For An Easy Fix/Route.
We as people are becoming lazier. We want an easy fix for everything in this age of instant everything.
And if we can find an easy fix or route to something then that is fine.
However when it comes to success, there is NO easy fix, no matter what people tell you.
There is no easy way to become a millionaire.
It takes work, it takes effort and it takes patience.
However most people are convinced that there is some magic formula that will take them there overnight.
There isn’t.
On the internet there are people trying to sell you easy fixes to riches.
There aren’t any.
What there ARE are proven strategies and principles of success that anyone who knows them can apply and can ENSURE their way to the top.
These proven principles have worked for anyone who has put them into practice in the past (including me) and turned them into multi-millionaires, they are
working for those who are currently putting them into practice, and they will work for anyone who puts them into practice in the future.
After all which would YOU pick? Easy fixes or proven strategies?
Now you might say “proven strategies”, but their is usually some work or effort involved with them.
That’s why DESPITE KNOWING that proven strategies are what people need, the very same people will pay for and go after trying to find easy fixes again and again without paying to learn what are proven strategies.
Proven strategies come at the cost of experience.
They come at the cost of other people’s work, so people won’t offer them to you readily.
Easy fixes on the other hand you will find in abundance, because there is no experience behind many of them.
There is only a quick buck to be made by the person peddling the easy fix.
Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking about an easy fix in terms of software or a solution to a particular problem.
Those are great.
I’m talking about people looking for and people selling an easy fix to success.
Don’t look for people selling easy fixes. Find people offering you proven strategies that are time-tested and that have taken years of trial and error to get right.
Strategies that work for me, and will work for you when you apply them.
Lesson No. 4:
Having No Strategy.
What is your strategy in life? Do you have one?
If you have an online business what is your strategy for your online business? Do you have one?
Think about this? Why do banks ask people to complete business plans with everything meticulously detailed?
From the marketing plan, through to the budgeting, through to the cashflow and profit and loss forecasts?
Just to make life more difficult?
No, because they know that with a strategy or plan in place there is far more chance of achieving your objectives.
Most people particularly people looking to create an online income have no strategy whatsoever.
They go day to day, looking for the next best thing to promise them instant online success, or the next hot thing to come out to try and promote.
There is of course nothing wrong with wanting to promote the next hot thing that comes out, but is that part of your strategy?
And what else does your strategy for online success include?
Do you have a branding strategy in place?
How you are going to brand yourself or your product?
Do you have a traffic strategy in place? How you are going to get and keep a constant flow of traffic coming to your website?
Do you have a budget in place so that you are not living month to month, but are able to plan ahead to meet the costs of your business?
Do you have a vision of where you want to take your business in 12 months, and can you see the clear route of how you are going to get there?
That’s why I say proven strategies that are time-tested is what you should be seeking in everything you do instead of easy fixes as outlined in mistake no 3.
Any task, or venture you undertake, if you want to complete it successfully, take however long it takes, a day, a week or even a month to put all the strategies in place and to define them as meticulously as you can, so that you have a better chance of achieving that success.
Lesson No. 5:
Thinking You Know It All.
No one has exclusivity on knowledge. Pride is and has always been man’s biggest downfall.
Nations have overtaken prouder nations in history, where one nation thought they had everything and didn’t need to learn anything new from anyone else.
Realise that you don’t know certain things.
Then learn them from those that do.
If you are not good with talking with people in a social gathering, and you want to be… find out the strategies of how to develop that skill from someone who is proficient at it.
If you want to learn to drive… you’d go to a driving instructor right?
And you pay happily for those driving lessons.
Why then when it comes to learning strategies that will transform our lives are we so against investing in our most valuable asset? Ourselves?
Simply, because quite often, we think we know it all.
Successful people recognise the importance of learning from others.
Professional singers hire and pay professional singing coaches.
Why? They’re already stars and can sing right?
Professional football clubs hire and pay coaches to train the players.
Why? The players already know the game so why do they need a coach?
Gymnasts, tennis players, people in business and multi-millionaires all GET it! They know that despite how much they know, someone who can always teach them or help them to know things they don’t know or help them to improve and successfully implement the things they DO know.
World Champion boxers… have trainers don’t they?
Why? They’re already knocking the lights out of people in the ring, what can old frail men teach them about fighting?
They KNOW that no matter what they do know there is always room for learning strategies or implementing strategies or even perfecting strategies that they an learn from somoene else.
That’s what makes winners. They aren’t afraid of investing in the proven strategies of others to improve their own.
So there is a key difference in attitude and thinking between the successful and the none successful.
One value proven strategies, even when they are at the top of their game and pay those with experience to learn them.
And those that remain mediocre think… “Yeah? What can he teach me?”.
Article By Douglas Goodey, an 80-year-old who went from $4.5 million in debt to worth over $20 million, we can all learn from this gentlemans experience and wisdom.
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