It is a little while since I brought you up to date with my own business and what I'm focusing on at the moment. I know from your feedback that you find my business insights both interesting and helpful so here goes. At the start of this year I had various projects in mind … [Read more...]
The Amazon Peddler – Professional Book Seller or Individual Collectible Merchant?
Stuart asked me to respond to the many questions posed in last week's blog about selling on Amazon. I started to reply, but as I began to detail some of the finer points, strategies and the like, it became quite apparent that my response was best suited as a guest blog post, … [Read more...]
Amazon And The eBay Seller
Todays newsletter is all about selling on Amazon! Let me start by saying that I am a complete newbie when it comes to Amazon, I have purchased the occasional book from Amazon but I have never used the site to sell anything. There is currently a huge halabaloo about selling on … [Read more...]
When Can I Link To My Non-eBay Store Through an eBay Auction?
Hello and welcome to this weeks newsletter post which has been guest written by our resident eBay expert - Deb Henry! "When can I link to my non-eBay store through an eBay auction?" A very good question indeed.... And according to general consensus -- … [Read more...]
New Year – Newsletter!
Hello & welcome to my 1st newsletter of 2011! I love the opportunities and the motivation that the New Year brings, the opportunity to take stock of where we are going in our lives and the motivation to take a new direction if necessary. Now is the time to make those New … [Read more...]