It is a little while since I brought you up to date with my own business and what I’m focusing on at the moment.
I know from your feedback that you find my business insights both interesting and helpful so here goes.
At the start of this year I had various projects in mind for 2011 so I created a plan of action which involved focusing on each project separately. I’m not the sort of person who can work effectively on lots of different projects simultaneously, I find that I’m much more productive if I focus on one idea at a time, get it completed and then move on to the next one and so on.
I have suspended my vintage print sales on eBay with none listed since early December. I do have a stock of antique prints that I know will sell at a healthy profit but I wanted to dedicate the first month of the new year to creating video content for my eBook Creation Masterclass coaching course.
I have a handful of ‘beta testers’ currently working their way through the course and they have provided some valuable user feedback which I am now acting on to further enhance and improve the material.
I am currently outsourcing the transcription of my video tutorials which does take time as there are over 60 videos in total!
The next step with this project is to put a sales page together and then launch the product for sale.
Another project that I want to complete in the first half of this year is to put together a limited number of reseller packs for the 20 Ways To Make Money eBook.
These reseller packs will consist of a fully brandable version of the eBook (you can insert YOUR affiliate links in place of mine) plus a licence to use the sales, affiliates and download pages to sell the eBook (you keep ALL of the sale proceeds) and the free sample eBook (again brandable) to build your own list (vital for long term success).
I will make this as ‘plug and play’ as I possibly can by including 5 or 6 screenshot videos to step you through the set up process.
As you know, this is a full time business for me so it is vital that I focus my time on the ideas and projects that are likely to earn me the greatest and quickest return.
The project that has forced itself to the top of my ‘to do’ list because it fits this criteria and is exciting me like no other at the moment is all about creating and flipping WordPress plugins.
I have kept an eye on the progress of Tony Shepherd for some time now (watching what innovative and successful marketers are doing in their businesses is my number one tip for developing your own successful business) and I have been intrigued as Tony has built a six figure online business in just a few short months on the back of WordPress plugins.
A WordPress plugin (for the benefit of the uninitiated) is simply a tool that adds a specific functionality to your WordPress site ( is a WordPress site).
To give you an example, I have a plugin called “akismet” which filters and disposes of spam comments. Another plugin I use is the “add-sig” plugin which helps me build my list by placing an opt-in box at the bottom of each of my posts (you can see this in action at the bottom of this post).
Tony has developed a system for creating unique and useful plugins, marketing them and then selling (flipping) these businesses (the sales mini-site and the ownership of the plugin) for four figure sums and now he has put together a four week course teaching his methods.
The key to Tony’s success with this business model and the reason why he has generated six figures in such a short time is that he has honed the whole process down to four distinct but simple steps which means he goes from ‘idea’ to banking his profits in a very short time (just a few weeks) and he can repeat the process as many times as he likes!
Step one in the process is all about researching the marketplace to identify the kinds of plugins that sell and using this information to come up with an idea for your new plugin. A few hours brainstorming and I had several commercially viable ideas!
Step Two is the creation stage and the good news is that this can be completely outsourced at minimal cost and for those who don’t have money to invest in the project Tony suggests a way to get your plugin created for free!
Step Three involves marketing the plugin. Tony uses a specially designed WordPress sales theme which enables him to create an effective sales site with the minimum of fuss (I find sales page creation a bit of a bind so I LOVE this!). He then uses various tried and tested techniques to gain mass exposure for his plugins and begin earning some money!
Step Four involves flipping these newly established plugin businesses for several thousand dollars a piece, he then goes back to step one and starts the process over again.
Now let me tell you that I am always on the look out for opportunities to add new income streams to my business but very rarely do I come across an idea that prompts me to get out my credit card.
This idea ticks all of the boxes for me – it requires no technical knowledge or specialist skills, it requires minimal investment, it can yield substantial profits in a short space of time and it isn’t based on some dodgy loophole that quickly closes when more than a handful of people find out about it.
If you are looking for a genuine, workable internet business idea then I urge you to check this out here Plugin Flips
I’m working my way through the course with my partner Deb Henry and enjoying every minute of it. Tony has a real talent for presenting the information in an easy to understand way using lots of screen shots and videos and I love the way he only includes ‘need to know’ info, there is no padding or filler here, just solid, step by step guidance.
If you have been a subscriber of mine for any length of time you’ll know that I promote very few products and the reason for this is that very few products meet my exacting standards but I am delighted to give this my full, unequivocal endorsement!
Check it out now because it was originally launched a few weeks ago (when I invested) but the doors were closed within 7 days to maintain the quality of the support service for the existing members. Tony has improved the back-up system so the doors have been re-opened but with the warning that this offer may be withdrawn at any time.
If you do go ahead and invest (and I promise you won’t believe the price of this course!) you will get the opportunity to upgrade your membership with various additional benefits. I personally chose the “subscriber mailing to 5,000 people” plus the “personally written Flippa auction sales page”.
Remember that the auction value of your plugin depends on how many sales it has made so a broadcast email to Tony’s 5,000 targeted subscribers will boost its value and your overall profits considerably.
As an additional bonus, if you purchase the Plugin Flips course through my link and then add the 5,000 subscriber mailing to your membership I will match Tony’s mailing by mailing your plugin to 5,000 of my own subscribers* so you will double your exposure and potential profits!
I’m eagerly awaiting week four of the course as we speak, I fully expect to be telling you all about my unique plugin in the next few weeks and then flipping it for a four figure profit!
Why don’t you jump on board and join me while you can?
Click the link now to find out more Plugin Flips
I’ve enjoyed this process so much it really doesn’t seem like work!
(* simply forward your email receipt to me at and I’ll be in touch to confirm your bonus 5,000 mailing)
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Hi Stuart,
very interesting concept flipping plugins, if I wasn’t so busy on my current project I’d take up your bonus offer.
I searched for your plugin “add-sig” , and couldn’t find one by that name, I’d appreciate if you could enlighten me how to find it.
Cheers, Keith.
Hi Keith
Thanks for your comment, you can get the add-sig plugin here;
Good luck with it!
Hi Stuart
It’s great to read about what you’ve been up to – I love reading this kind of post and find it fascinating (must be because I’m a nosy bugger eh?!)
I’ve been following Tony’s course too – must say it is excellent and I’m looking forward to finding out how you get on.
Hi Stuart thanks for the interesting read i wil be back soon
Hi Stuart,
I have been following Tony Shepherd’s progress as well. He’s got great business ideas, like the plugin flipping business, and he’s not afraid to try new things. I appreciate that.
I’m looking forward to watching how you get on with this. Please keep us informed!
Hi Stuart, this looks like a great course. Of course one has to have ideas for plug ins to take advantage of it…
Enjoy the journey.
To be honest, Mandy Tony has provided so much guidance that the “ideas” stage is not as difficult as it sounds.
As I said, a few hours of brainstorming has given me and Deb enough ideas for our next few plugin projects!
Hi Stuart,
Always providing the best info! I am proud to be following your huge progress, and mentor-ship. I have been side tracked for a minute, but I am getting back to it in a more organized way. Besides your ebook creation coaching program… I find the plug ins very interesting. Re-grouping my strategy is part of why I have been away. Like you said… focusing on one thing is and then move on is the best thing to do. You always bring peace to my soul brother.
Have a blessing day,
Ricky Figueroa
Thanks for your comment, Ricky
Looking forward to seeing you getting focused and starting to enjoy the success your talent deserves!
Stuart —
Having the opportunity to work with you hand-in-hand so to speak has been a simply wonderful experience. Through your mentorship and our partnership I have been blessed with both personal & professional growth. Thus far, I have thoroughly enjoyed our joint projects and look forward to many new ones on the horizon!
Great post! Now I finally know what direction we are taking next! LOL! (kidding!)
Best ~Deb
Thanks, Deb!
You have so many talents that I’d be mad not to want to partner with you!!
Hi Stuart,
As a subscriber, I appreciate your update on everything you’re working on in the business, and seeing your progress too. I know that the eBook Creation Masterclass will be a great product when it comes out. This tradeoff on the antique prints will surely pay off, then you can return to that segment of the business in due time.
Having purchased your “20 Ways to Make Money” book some time ago, I’ve incorporated some of those ideas into income streams, so there’s no doubt that book is full of great ideas. I’m looking forward to the reseller packs that are coming.
Also, I appreciate your endorsement of Tony’s PluginFlips package. I see this as an excellent opportunity too!
Thanks for stopping by, I always value your contribution and I’m delighted that you too have invested in Tony’s brilliant course!
Hi Stuart,
It’s great to see guys moving in the right direction and creating some value, rather than the poor product we are seeing lately. The eBook Creation course looks interesting. I have just released The eBook Cycle which may be similar in most respects. Maybe I could add to your new package?
Dan Sumner
Thanks for your positive comment, Dan!
I did sign up for your ‘eBook Cycle’ which is excellent, I’ve sent you an email.