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GET YOUR SHARE of These Two Lucrative Etsy Printables Markets Where There Are Over 92 Million Buyers!… Using AI!! (very simple!)
The truth is… AI is much simpler to use than you think… and it’s revolutionizing the Etsy printables business! …in fact there are now big opportunities for ‘small time’ newbie sellers to cash in in specific printables markets! (see which markets below)
AI is allowing everyday Etsy sellers (like you and me) to rise to the level of the big dogs and it is creating new income stream opportunities for many worldwide (while simultaneously tremendously reducing their workload!)
Imagine having a personal assistant that created top quality printables for you for free in not one but two lucrative Etsy markets … these are popular specialty printables people love and will pay you cash to get!…
In the past these printables would have taken lots of time and effort to create but now with AI you can create these popular printables in just seconds!…free!!
And it’s not just Etsy… printables sellers on other platforms (like; Fiverr, CreativeFabrica, CreativeMarket, The Hungry JPEG and more) are also cashing in big!
Bonus Tip! You can also convert these printables into print on demand products for mugs or tshirts and sell those too (on places like Red Bubble and Society Six as well as Etsy!)… The opportunities are virtually endless!
So, what types of printables are we talking about?
It turns out that there is a huge demand on Etsy for;
- Digital pattern packs! (Also known as “wallpapers”) and…
- Clipart packs!
Why these particular types of printables?
To quote a successful marketer we know…
“Digital pattern packs and clipart packs are among the most sought after items in the visual content market. From website design to crafting projects, these packs can be used in a myriad of ways, making them an easy sell on popular marketplaces like Etsy and other Ecommerce sites”.
So, who is this marketer?… None other than Amy Harrop! And she’s just released a brand new video course titled: Easy AI for E and it’s awesome!
Look at the demand!…
And now with Amy’s easy to follow course, Easy AI for E, you can get your share of this lucrative market!
Here is our complete, honest, and unbiased review of her latest release…
Inside this cutting edge course you will learn the secrets to creating top quality, professional looking digital pattern packs and clipart packs using free AI that you can then sell at 100% pure profit on Etsy and elsewhere (less Etsy fees).
The key is that AI lets you create many printables in just seconds which allows you to put bundles together which sell for higher prices. Amy’s course shows you how to do all this and more…
What You Get: This is where Amy really over delivers. Inside your course, you get…
- Over a dozen instructional videos – The videos are professionally done, very easy to follow and each runs for just 5-12 min so you are not overwhelmed. Amy provides you lots of creative options and reveals several free tools and how to efficiently use them.
- Video transcripts and slides – These are a great addition as you can go back and review or reference what’s in the videos without having to actually rewatch them (a great time saver!)
- Templates! – These are a terrific time saver! Amy shows you how to access and use them too!
- Bonus ebook! “15 Cool Ways to Use ChatGPT with PLR” << This alone is worth picking up Amy’s course!!
Here’s more on Amy’s Bonus:
Did you know you can use ChatGPT to “summarize” entire articles into “point form”? This is great for turning PLR (or other info) into salable infographics! (or slides for making tutorial videos) – see our exclusive bonus below!
Take any course or info and virtually instantly convert it into products you can sell on Etsy! (or elsewhere!)
In Amy’s bonus, you’ll also learn how to use ChatGPT to create excellent titles for your ebooks and/or lead magnets or Etsy listings etc., how to create scripts for videos, how to rewrite PLR (or other) sales copy so it becomes unique to you, how to create salable checklists, and more!
We believe this bonus alone is worth more than the very low price of Amy’s entire course!
Our thoughts: Amy’s course is easy to follow, quick and simple to implement, and packed with useful information and step by step instructions!
And her free bonus and supplemental materials really put everything over the top!
We wholly recommend you add Easy AI for E to your library. It’s awesome!
But do it today!… Her special low launch price is going up soon!
See everything you get by clicking here now!
One more thing!!! Check out our exclusive free bonuses below!
We were so impressed with Amy’s course and so excited with the numerous money making options she makes available to you that we wanted to do something extra special to make this a real ‘no brainer’ decision for you…
So we added not one but two! valuable exclusive bonuses for you (when you go through our link).
This guide puts you ahead of 97% of the competition! In it, we demonstrate how to use other people’s listings to discover hidden low competition subniches within the Etsy digital pattern and clipart printables market. Between that and the ability to quickly create these printables with AI, you’ll be unbeatable!
OUR EXCUSIVE BONUS 2: How to Quickly Turn PLR (or ANY info) Into SLIDE PRESENTATION Videos With ZERO Editing and Never Showing Your Face!
In this guide, we expand on Amy’s awesome bonus. In her bonus, she shows you how to use ChatGPT to convert any article into a video script and she shows you how to also create infographics from articles… Put the 2 together, and you have a simple way to use AI to quickly make info videos you can sell! (or use as a lead magnet to build an email list in any niche).
LOOK…AI is with us to stay… Just as the internet revolutionized commerce and has opened up unprecedented money-making opportunities for everyday people, AI has now opened up a whole new level of “automation” allowing us to profit even bigger with much less time needed!
Amy’s course is an excellent gateway to get you started making money the right way with AI tools. Don’t procrastinate.
Again, we wholly recommend you add Easy AI for E to your library. But do it today!… Her special low launch price is going up soon!
>Secure your lifetime access to everything by clicking here now!<
We always get the question; “Are there any upsells?”
FYI: The main course is self contained and has everything you need to succeed. However, there are 3 optional upgrades if you like…
The first optional upgrade is on the checkout page. It is called “Easy AI Printables” and is a course package including; guide, bonuses, templates, supplemental materials and videos that really expands on techniques for using the many A.I. tools that have recently come online… Well worth the $19.99 price but, as said, totally optional.
There are also 2 optional OTOs…
The first OTO is titled “Auto PD Prints Quickstart” It helps you take your public domain art to the next level by, as Amy says, “the merging of AI tools and PD images”. It includes detailed instructions on how to use this merging of AI tools to create greeting cards and journals, etc… Good value at $29.99
The final OTO is Amy’s “Public Domain Pack” This is a collection of 4 of Amy’s best selling past trainings. If you love working with PD resources you are going to love this! The package includes;
PD Goldmine – Amy’s insider software and toolbox that reveals how to publish and monetize free PD content. Regular price $29.99
PD Visual Prints –Reveals how to create multiple streams of income with freely available and Public Domain content with little to no writing needed. Regular price $29.99
PD Visual Quotes Pack – This time-saving pack contains everything you need to start creating dozens of new income streams. You’ll receive 100 ready-to-use prints including frames, images and backgrounds in 10 different categories! Regular price $37.00
Easy Implementation: POD Graphics Success – Reveals how to quickly create POD ready products, even if you have no design experience, and get your store up and running…all with free and low-cost tools and assets. Regular price $37.00
Each of these packages includes Amy’s usual top quality video training to guide you every step of the way!
These individual courses sell separately for $133.98 in total – you get them in this OTO for just $77 which represents cracking value!
As said, you don’t “need” any of these but if you have the budget, they are terrific addons! Pick and choose according to your personal goals.
>Secure your lifetime access to everything by clicking here now!<
Sincerely yours;
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